Ebay description template photo galery
Ebay description template photo galery

I remember a time when if you wanted a picture on your eBay listing you probably used photobucket and manually inserted the HTML code to display the image.

ebay description template photo galery

Text only descriptions go pretty much against all common wisdom regarding eBay selling over the past decades, but their time may be coming.

ebay description template photo galery

The second is to pay your listing designer to ensure your listings are responsive, mobile ready and comply with all eBay’s latest stipulations. The first is to dump all listing designs and default to a basic text only listing description. There are two schools of thought on the best way to proceed. This is particularly apt with the ever growing number of consumers purchasing on mobile devices coupled with eBay’s earlier announcement to discontinue all active content by 2017. There were a number of topics which came up in workshops at the eBay Connect event in Manchester this past week, one of which was listing descriptions and what information and content they should contain for the future.

Ebay description template photo galery